How to Overcome Resistance in a Buying Group

How to Overcome Resistance in a Buying Group

It can be difficult enough to sell to just one person. Sometimes, it is even more challenging to work with multiple contacts within a buying group. It’s something that every salesperson must learn to accept. Companies are increasingly turning to committees and teams to make purchasing decisions, even those of minor importance.

This can help make your job easier in some ways. It’s true that enthusiasm is contagious. Get one or two decision-makers excited about working with you, and the rest will follow suit.

At least, that’s what we hope. Sometimes, you meet a contact who isn’t selling you or your products. This can cause problems with the entire buying process. These people and women can be a brick wall in your path to commissions. These men and women are the brick wall that blocks your route to commissions. Here are some tips:

Go higher up.

The best way to get the support of your supervisor in order to take down an object in your buying group is by getting your boss on board. You can convince an owner or head of the department that the product you are selling is beneficial for the company. Then, all your contacts will agree. This is yet another reason to sell to the highest levels at every company you work with.

Make an enemy your ally.

You can also treat your objector like any other prospect. You can also try to determine what their main problem is and work to fix it or convince them that they are not misinformed. Then ask again for the order. You might be able, depending on the type of objection they have to your order, to simply deal with them one-on-1.

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Look deeper.

There is always the possibility that their objections are personal or not in line with the group’s goals. One example of this was when the majority of the buying team wanted a solution, and one member tried to give it to a friend. It didn’t matter how the producer spoke; her mind was not going to change.

Make a decision.

Do you try to get past the objection, or do you move on to another sale? It all depends on how you see the future relationship with this company and this particular contact. Sometimes it is worth it to win the business and offer five-star customer service. Other times, buyer resentment about your “over their heads” might lead to strained relationships. This is a difficult decision that requires a lot of judgment.

Selling to groups can be difficult, especially if one of your buyers isn’t so keen to work with you. You can assess the situation and determine if you can work with, around, or through them. Then you can decide what is best for you. You don’t need to overcome resistance from one member or more of your buying team to close the sale. However, you must deal with it properly if you want your client to stay loyal for the long term.