To Sell More, Prove What You Say is True

To Sell More, Prove What You Say is True

This article is for you if this is your first day in sales. However, for the rest of you, I will write about what you already know: customers don’t always believe what we tell them.

This is often not our fault. We may have done some excellent work for them or others in the past, but they’ve been burned before. Everybody has worked with salespeople who overpromise and underdeliver. This experience makes us less trusting. Only through hard work and long relationships can we get clients to trust us and make purchasing decisions.

It makes sense to look for ways to speed up the selling process, as trust and the ability to see the benefits of buying from you are so important. There are many. We can convince prospects and clients by using a few validation strategies that they are truthful – and that their business will be in good hands.

These are some things that you can do to validate your buyers.

The show, don’t tell.

Instead of telling prospects how much their company will run better with your machine or how much they can save by using your warranty service, let them experience your products in action. Nothing is more trustworthy than our own eyes. Having your buyer visit you with a satisfied customer will help to clear any doubts.

Do not brag; let others do it for your benefit.

A collection of testimonials from satisfied customers may be a better alternative to an on-site demonstration. The buyer’s greatest fear is that they will regret doing business with them. This could be because it has cost them their job prospects or made them unhappy. You can show them how successful past transactions were, and they will be more likely to complete an order slip.

See also  Successful Selling Strategies For a Volatile Economy

Get hands-on.

Are you able to show a working example of the product you are selling? You might be able to demonstrate a smaller version of your technology or your process if you have one. Although it’s not quite as impressive as actually seeing the actual thing, clients will be able to play with and inspect what you have created.

Make use of numbers to your advantage.

Many buying decisions boil down to simple math. How much the client can save and how the sale can improve their bottom line are just some of the factors that influence buying decisions. Many salespeople don’t break down the numbers into monthly, weekly, and daily figures so buyers can understand what they are getting for their money. Before you meet with clients, take the time to calculate the numbers and have them ready for you. It’s incredible how a few numbers are written on a napkin can make a big difference in your closing ratio.