Bank Sales Management – How to Develop a Winning Sales System

Bank Sales Management - How to Develop a Winning Sales System

One of the most exciting aspects of fall for a lot of people (myself too!) is the fact that football season is upon us. Every weekend across the nation there are many thousands of children and adults take part in the game employing highly organized offensive and defensive strategies and methods designed to meet specific goals. The most effective teams train hard to make sure they play their roles flawlessly during games.

Therefore, at the risk of inflicting some sports analogy hurt, I’ll make my point clear Fans, and football players aren’t averse to the necessity of precise systems and structures in order to be successful. Why are so many people in sales believe that systems, construction, and processes are ineffective, or even demeaning, in sales?

Your Sales Playbook

Sales, just like sandlot soccer, is a simple game: set dates, make calls asking questions, then follow up. Sales “players” utilize their strengths and skills to design processes that control their sales activities as well as communicate with their customers and potential customers. It is a question of whether salespeople could become more efficient when their processes were more organized, if there were the standardization of sale “playbook,” so to say?

The evidence from the field shows “yes.” Similar to the way that football coaches use systems that let them instruct and coach by assessing the efficiency of different play and reduce unwanted variances in performance, the structured sales system gives sales managers the ability to analyze the quality and flow of leads as well as the effectiveness of tips into buyers. This can help to reduce unintentional variations in sales and improve the effectiveness of sales.

A well-organized sales system can help you determine what activities salespersons must be performing – as well as when, when (and what frequency), and who to do them at each stage. It could be one of your primary tools to compete and boost your ROI when you increase your sales profits and profitability.

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How to Do It

As a game like a football is designed for certain goals under specific conditions and conditions, so should your sales process. The first list of “conditions” to establish are your customers according to three distinct requirements:

Demographics – Use descriptions such as the size of your company, industries, the number of employees, the maturity of employees, etc.
Psychographics These are your customers their psychological profiles, specifically those that pertain to the way they shop and what motivates them to purchase.
Most likely movement These are the conditions that may be affecting customers, for example, advancing age and shifts in rates of interest, the expansion of other regions of the region, or the development of technology.
Salespeople must be aware of what they’re looking for and, more importantly, who they’re not. It’s like telling a linebacker, “You concentrate on the number 32. You don’t care about everyone else. Anywhere you go, you go. If he takes his hands on the ball, strike him.” If your company sells to various categories of clients (as determined by the psychographics, demographics, and their likely movements), You should create profiles for each of them. The message you send to salespeople should be “Pursue customers who match our criteria, leaving the rest alone.”

Next, you must create a “story” for every profiled group. The story should be able to explain the reason why your bank exists by helping to solve the challenges your customers are facing. Potential customers who read the account must be able to identify themselves within the story. If they don’t identify themselves with the story are saying they’re unlikely to become customers.

The Designing of your System

With a clear picture of your customers’ prospective clients as well as their needs and wants and their needs a clear mind, you’re now able to develop your bank’s unique sales process. The system you choose to implement is a series of steps spread over a period of time that:

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Make sure you are covering the market (touch any potential and existing clients).
Perform accurate assessments of who is and who isn’t probably to turn out to be a potential customer.
Discuss the issues with people who could be customers.
Make convincing proposals.
Help customers make the right purchasing decision.
Develop and strengthen existing relationships.
Your sales strategy must reflect the most efficient practices in your current sales department and should be designed to appeal to the various groups of prospective customers, reflecting their psychological characteristics, and in particular. For instance, if you find that the most effective days to prospect are Tuesdays so your sales strategy will direct salespeople to make contact on Tuesdays. If a specific method of looking into needs seems to be most effective, then salespeople should employ that method. If blue shirts appear to increase sales more than white shirts, then salespeople must wear blue shirts.

Give each stage a name (such as Approach Prospect and Assess Needs, Design Solution, Create a proposal, implement the solution, and Develop Relationship) and identify them according to:

Inputs – What causes the first step? And what’s being brought forward from previous efforts.
Activities – What salespeople are doing using what tools (e.g., lead generators, prospect lists, scripts, etc.)) and how often they use these tools.
Outputs – What signalizes that each step is complete.
This structure gives you and your salespeople a number of advantages:

Training and quality improvement If you notice that salespeople don’t make use of the sales system efficiently, You can create an accurate picture of the places the areas where further training or support might be required.
Controlling risk, the team has a well-organized and standardized sales system and monitoring its progress with each customer or prospect. You have an earlier warning system that informs you if you’re getting an adequate flow of options through your sales pipeline and if the sales team’s actions have led to a good return on closed business.
Controlling quality and yield The sales book should contain the “high probabilities plays”-the most efficient route to success in sales for your customers and potential clients. In the event that the salesperson “shortcut” the book and do not follow the rules, you should intervene to get their back onto the high-risk route. For instance, the salesperson might think they’re at an earlier stage of the Make Proposal step because the prospective client has requested an offer. However, when you review the tasks that have been done, you might find there are a variety of functions within the Assessment of Needs stage that has to be finished before proceeding to the proposal.

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Tweaking and Improving

When it comes to watching the performance of, measuring, and improving your sales process, One more football analogy, consider the coaches who are on the sidelines, constantly recording games, charting plays, and compiling different stats. They’re interested in knowing the truth about the things that work and what doesn’t.

If you’re monitoring and evaluating your salespeople’s usage of the sales system, then you (and them) are able to see ways to enhance the design. Change one thing each time to be capable of assessing the impact of every modification. Create control groups or other methods to gauge the effect of each change, so you can make a decision based on the facts instead of speculation.