5 Administrative Cloud Computing Tools For Your Supply Chain Team

Cloud computing has seen a massive increase in popularity over the last few years, while the market for software purchases at a physical store is slowing. Leasing services are being used by most business people to manage their business functions. This is a better alternative to buying software on CDs and installing it manually. Cloud computing is becoming more popular with supply chain businesses. Many companies use cloud computing to improve their business performance. These services can be used by businesses to not only invest but also for administrative optimization.

Project Management

Supply chain managers may use spreadsheets or internal databases to organize their documents, shipments and delegate tasks. A project management service integrates all these functions. This allows supply chain managers to take a step back and see the bigger picture, including the flow of the supply chain, deadlines, and completing tasks.

Supply chain players can use project management services to better manage shipments. It doesn’t matter if a member of the team is not in the office to process a shipment. All documents can be uploaded ahead of time for everyone to see. A freight forwarder can share the progress of a load with a client. Importers and exporters can also share arrangements using a project management cloud. This allows for greater transparency and better service delivery for all parties in the supply chain.

Smartsheet is a service that can be used on both mobile and desktop devices. Smartsheet has many templates, including Gantt graphs and checklists for new hires. Smartsheet charges $14-$39 per month, with the option to pay annually. Workflowy, another free service, allows you to create task lists and share them with others in a simple format.

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CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Supply chain staff can use CRM’s to communicate with clients. Supply chain members can use CRM’s to contact clients and provide updates. They can also verify the Importer of Record information, make appointments with clients for shipment follow-ups, and balance their accounts. You can save emails in the CRM cloud so that you can see who responded to your client’s request. As a way of keeping records public in a secondary location, you can share files such as invoices, bills of delivery, and Powers of attorney in the network.

Salesforce is one of the most popular CRM services. Salesforce offers many benefits, including web and mobile marketing tools, social media listening, and extensive services that range from $65-300 per month. KarmaCRM is another service that allows businesses to manage their contacts and customer information in one place. KarmaCRM offers a monthly free service, starting at $19 and ending at $65.


Although not many people would consider blogging a necessity for supply chain workers, it is one of the most cost-effective ways to promote your company and products online. Your business can be seen as an expert in the supply chain sector, and you can give tips on solving problems. It has been easy to set up a blog online.

WordPress.com has millions of users around the world and is one of the most used and highly recommended online blogging sites. WordPress is straightforward to use and set up. Widgets can be created for your readers to use on social media or in advertisements for products. WordPress offers a primary blog with selected themes for free.

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Office Apps

One of the most well-known ways to use the cloud is to share documents, spreadsheets, and presentation materials through one source. Word processing documents shared spreadsheets, and presentation materials can all be created using one platform. All recipients can be linked via email, web, and sharing information.

Google Docs/Google Drive is one of the most popular services. You can link your Gmail account to Google Drive to create documents and view them as well as edit them. Your department will benefit from the ability to share documents in groups. This is an optional service.


You want to present a professional exhibition when creating supply chains models for clients or creating training modules for import and export compliance. A cloud service can be used to share your presentation privately or publicly. This is a great way to present a powerful exhibition. Cloud service allows you to make your presentation portable and can be used for boardroom media.

Slideshare.net is a great place to share your slides online. After creating an account, your presentation materials can be uploaded. Slideshare allows you to share PDFs, documents, PowerPoint files, and other cloud services like Google Docs or Dropbox.