Bank Sales Management – Balancing Growth and Retention to Reach Your Sales Goals

Bank Sales Management - Balancing Growth and Retention to Reach Your Sales Goals

What would your sales teams react to this issue?

Growth loans as well as DDA balances are 10 percent (for the third time in consecutive years) in a highly competitive market (never think about being in recession),

Maintain 100% of customers that are designated as “high value” in cases where customer loss is averaging 17%.

Maintain current sales team head count – no additional resources.

Many commercial and small-business marketing teams are faced with challenges similar to this. If they’re not panicking at times, they likely aren’t aware of the objectives. In addition, since (typically) the majority of salespeople don’t have a defined plan and 73% don’t have a plan for their top five accounts, a panic attack and fresh resumes are more likely. If you are able to divide the sales team in “finders and ones who minders” or ask relationship managers to find new customers and strengthen existing deposit and loan relationships The key to achieving your goals for retention and sales is a solid plan of action that begins by selecting the best goals and deciding on the best route to fly.

Choose the Right Targets

The most crucial element of any flight guidance system is the goal. “My employees are heatseekers,” an experienced sales manager once said to me. “Once we’ve set our targets and they’re not distracted by anything.” This means that you must be sure to set precise, unambiguous goals.

First, the members of the sales team must understand what success means What’s the balance between retention of accounts and acquisition of accounts that make the business model successful?

After the balance has been established and the balance is set, the target must contain four components:

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Ideal market segments for target markets and customer profiles.

Priority-tiering criteria for customers as well as prospects.

Value propositions for targeted segments defined in terms the target customers will be able to.

A narrow and targeted client base, allowing relationship managers are able to mine for the most.

Establish Guidance Parameters

When you have established your targets, Mission Control (sales managers) must set guidance guidelines with specific requirements and guidelines that inform the heat seekers what the acceptable flight routes appear to be. The guidelines tell your salespeople precisely what is expected of them and when they’re not on the right track from a performance standpoint and also from a result perspective. The relationship managers must include these standards into their plans.

The key areas of benchmarks or standards include:

Activity levels,

Mix of products, as well as

Accuracy of forecasts.

Discuss Annual Flight Plans

After you’ve set goals and flight route limits Sales and relationship managers team leaders need to organize their travels carefully. The more ambitious their goals are, the more crucial the plan… as it’s not the only thing in the world that relationship managers would like to undertake.

“Forget everything about it,” the admonish. “I must be contacting customers.” However, if they don’t have a plan, that responsibility is on the team’s the leaders. Because sales team leaders can’t call all the plays and oversee eight, 10 or 15 active salespeople, the entire team, as well as the growth-based retention strategy is at risk.

We suggest that sales managers ask RMs to design plans that focus on the accounts, activities that are expected to yield results, as well as the resources they require, just as if they were the managers of their own businesses:

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Annual territorial plans.

Plans for relationships that are critical “must maintain” or “must extend” relationships.

Personal development plans for RMs that are tied to specific outcomes that an RM is expected to produce. After the RMs have created their plans Managers and RMs must discuss their plans in the same manner as if RMs were independently-owned business (franchisees) and leadership of the sales teams were franchisees.

Begin by discussing goals, the goals of relationship managers for their own businesses and themselves as well as their compensation plans, to market their products. Focus on the strategies they employ to achieve their goals as well as the metrics they’ll use to determine whether they’re doing a good job. This data will enable you as a sales trainer to spot any disconnects between their goals and plan of action, providing you with the chance to spot potential issues in the early stages.

Mid-Flight Check Points

After the initial discussion of Annual plans we suggest an unison pattern for the group leader RM mid-flight checkpoints that allow for feedback, inspection and resetting course

Weekly Focus on deals, activities behavior observation in the field and the ability.

Monthly and quarterly – concentrate in “managing operations” monitoring the progress made against the business plan and making any adjustments required to prepare for the next period.

Semi-Annually A formal performance review.

These techniques of coaching drive sales performance and help ensure an proper balance between developing new business and activities to retain accounts. Managers’ demands for sales, paired with the consequences of feedback, alter sales behavior. In every weekly or monthly discussion the manager and RM discuss “business expected performance” in the written plan against “actual results,” find the root of the issue and then reset the plans for the time that will lead to the next meeting.

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Additionally, successful RMs and managers utilize annual and bi-annual meetings as a way to organize their responses to “surprises” such as sudden demands from managers’ top executives to ensure that the request doesn’t result in a sudden overload of the circuit.

The Ultimate Benefit

The challenge of achieving sales goals should trigger an anticipation, some anxiety and a bit of nervousness. Similar to how we expect our clients to plan their sales teams, sales leaders must expect their RMs as well as themselves to plan. Because time is precious the plans should concentrate on the top leverage points-targeting customers, key tasks, and the resources needed to meet sales targets.

The frequent discussions regarding the plan between the leaders of the sales team and their direct subordinates are the most crucial part of the process of planning. They should be frequent (at minimum every month) as well as constant (there’s no way around them) and beneficial for both the parties. For relationship managers particularly, the conversation will ultimately result in clearly defined priorities and commitments of resources will help the RM as well as the sales staff requires to reach its targets. The conversations that are held leave direct employees feeling inspired, focused and well-supported.