Cargo Shipping to Switzerland? Important Things to Know in Advance

Cargo Shipping to Switzerland Important Things to Know in Advance

Officially known as the Swiss Confederation (or simply Switzerland), Switzerland is located in Central and Western Europe. It is a landlocked country that borders Italy to its south, France to the west, and Germany to the north. Austria and Lichtenstein are to the east. Switzerland is home to approximately 8 million people. It also has the global economic capitals Zurich and Geneva.
Shipping to Switzerland is possible with several ports along the Rhine River, including the Ports of Kleinhuningen and St. Johann, Ports of Birsfelden, and Ports of Mutton-Au. The busiest Port in Switzerland is the Port of Basel.

Documentation required for shipping to Switzerland

You will need to submit a variety of documents if you want to ship cargo to Switzerland. These documents include:

* Valid Passport

* Permit for Residence

* Residence in Switzerland: Lease or Property Title

* A detailed inventory list, dated and signed by the customer. It includes the contents of items shipped and the make and serial numbers of appliances. This list must be submitted with the first shipment

* Customs Import Formula 18.44

You must be a resident of Switzerland if you want to ship household goods. You must own and use household goods for at least six months and keep them in your possession for at most one year. These items must be imported within the three-year period for which you are transferring your residence.

Items that are prohibited from shipping to Switzerland

Certain items are prohibited from entering Switzerland via cargo shipping. The following items are prohibited from entering Switzerland via cargo:

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* Drugs and Narcotics

* A permit is required to import weapons (hunting and sport guns)

* Munition

* Anti-radar equipment

* Products from endangered/protected species (ivory and skins, etc.

* Cleaning fluids

To make it easier for inspections, Swiss customs require that all appliances and restricted items are loaded in the container last.

Transporting a vehicle to Switzerland

You must follow the Swiss customs guidelines and regulations if you want to ship a vehicle to Switzerland. There are several specific situations that might or may not apply when shipping a car from Switzerland. First, you will need to identify which classifications and regulations apply to your shipping requirements. Swiss customs distinguish between undeclared vehicles, temporary vehicles, and vehicles that are being relocated from another country. No matter what your situation may be, businesses will require you to submit the following documents before shipping your vehicle. The following documents are required:

* Passport

* Work Permit

* Title

* Purchase invoice

* Formula 18.44

* Evidence of residence

* Valid driver’s license

* Foreign Registration Card

* Previous country’s car license

* Inventory of household goods

* Swiss Insurance Receipt

You must declare your vehicle at customs when you import it. This can only be done in person. You may also be subject to technical testing and customs duties.

Temporary foreign residents can drive a vehicle in the United States without having to pay import duties. After completing proper documentation, a permit is required.

The car is exempt from duty if you move to Switzerland if it has been in your possession for less than six months. After clearing customs in the canton you reside in, registration of the vehicle will be required.

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Switzerland: Bringing your pet to Switzerland

You can bring your pet to Switzerland if you’re moving to Switzerland. However, there are some restrictions. You must show proof that your pet has a microchip. Your pet must have a rabies certificate and be immunized 21 days prior to travel. Without a veterinary certificate from Switzerland, your pet cannot enter the country.