Overview of Translation and Associated Services

Overview of Translation and Associated Services

Below is a quick comparison of the following services:
* Localization
* Translation
* Copywriting services
Localization is the conversion of content from one language into another language and editing content to match cultural nuances in a specific region or country. This includes the use of appropriate colors, graphics currency numbers, standard data formats, and other details.

There is a difference between translation and localization.

The difference between Translation and Localization is that translation is relatively simple while localization is more complex. The following are required contributions to the translation process:

Project manager: To receive files from customers and forward the document to the translator.

Translator: To receive files and do translations to the desired target languages
Project manager: To deliver the translated files back to the customer.

Although it may seem simple, the truth is quite different. All translation projects require the following skills, depending on the project’s domain expertise:

* Project management
* Graphics

There is a difference between copy-writing and translation.

They are translating means to translate content from one language (source) into another language (target). Translation requires that the translator has a deep understanding of both target and source languages. Translators cannot alter the text in the source language text to make it into the target text.

Translators are expected to produce the translated text in a similar way as the source text. The source text must be followed by the translator. The translator must not alter or redefine the meaning of the source text.

Translators who alter or redefine text in the source language text may cause the translation to be redundant. This could lead to the destruction of the main objective.

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Copywriting is a type of art that involves creative writing to create marketing content using inputs or source text. It ensures adherence to predetermined objectives and takes care of the sentiments of the target audience. It involves incorporating the nuance and characteristics of a culture.

When your content will be distributed publicly and read by many, copywriting is essential. Copywriters must create content that is simple to understand and easy to read to ensure customers have a pleasant experience. Copywriters can create content for:

* Websites
* Brochures
* Manuals
* Multimedia presentations

Copy-writing vs. Translation

Although copywriting does not require translation, it requires that the copywriter creates new content. This includes rewriting, generalizing, and adding to the source content to make it saleable. Copywriting skills are more important than those of a translator who is limited by the content.