How to Motivate Your Sales Team So They STAY Motivated: Build a Foundation of Motivation

How to Motivate Your Sales Team So They STAY Motivated Build a Foundation of Motivation

Are you adamant that your sales team requires constant motivation? Do you feel that you have to motivate your sales team to reach minimum sales goals? Sales management must provide constant positive and constructive input. Your sales team should not become dependent solely on motivational food. If the team gets addicted to the occasional and even permitted motivational high, it can lead to addiction that leads to sales failure.

You should build your sales team on a motivational basis, not just motivational rhetoric, if you notice that sales productivity falls or rises depending on how much handholding and cheerleading is given to them.

My team is already motivated.

You might be thinking, “My team seems as motivated as possible and not always when they are around to pump them up.” Many sales directors and managers believe that if the team is moving along, sales are good, production is on track, and no one is complaining, then it is on the right way. You have not received any criticisms, and no one quit this week, so everything must be OK. A lack of criticism or quits is the most significant indicator that a team is not motivated. This is when there is a steady, quiet flow of the “Just enough” mentality. Salespeople are lost in mediocrity. You can build on your motivation to reach higher levels of production.

Silent Motivation

Many sales managers today believe that motivating a group means engaging the unsuspecting, impressionable souls in a rah-rah adrenaline pumping, ear-shattering, tambourine banging, you-can’t-do it pep rally for an hour. Others believe that motivating means to speak the right words at just the right moment or lift someone’s spirits after losing a sale. To give a speech at a sales meeting to motivate the team so that they believe they can do better in the next quarter.

These thoughts are superficial and temporary, even though they have merit. There are tangible, practical, structural, and technical steps that your company and you can take to encourage salespeople to have genuine enthusiasm and self-motivation. True motivation comes from within.

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Here are three motivational pillars that will help you build a foundation to support your sales team.

These three concepts will help you get rid of all your problems. These tips may not be what you expected, and not everyone will take them well. It may not taste good, but it is the best medicine you have.

Pillar 1: Show your sales team that the company cares

Contrary to popular belief, the primary motivator for salespeople is not money. Faithful, most salespeople join an organization because of the promise of money. They stay because they feel that the company cares about their personal well-being. Your sales team should know that you care about their success and emotional well-being. You will keep them motivated from the inside if you let them know that your success is more important than the company.

Sales People Come First

Sincerely, sales managers should always put the needs of their salespeople first. You and your company will both fail if they fail. Your success is dependent on your success. Salespeople often feel that the company has everything and everyone before them. Many salespeople think that the company only cares about money and that they are just another tool or pawn. People who have low self-worth will not be motivated to achieve high levels of success by cheerleading, money, or any other means. First, you need to show your salespeople that you care.

How to SHOW your Firm Cares

How can you demonstrate, show or prove that your company cares about the sales rep? How do you actually know if your company is doing this? Start by looking at your company’s policies. Next, look at your pay schedule. This does not refer to the commission structure or the amount that you pay your salespeople. What do you spend your salespeople?

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Many organizations have the salesperson, who generates the money, receiving the commissionable portion of the pay last. Your firm may pay the secretary, cleaning staff, CEO, CFO, CIO, and all other employees first, and then the salesperson out of any leftovers. Technically, all parties are involved in the sale. This is true. However, it is possible to argue that the receptionist, the secretaries, the cleaning people, the VPs, the CEO, CFO, CIO, and everyone else first, then the salesperson out of the leftovers. The CIO, the website that attracted this lead, the marketing team that created the collateral, the receptionist that answered the phone, and the shipping who delivered the literature at the right time are all involved in the sale. If the salesperson doesn’t close the deal, it is likely that none of these people get paid. Take a look at your pay schedule, charge-back rules, and benefits plan. Also, take a look at the sales breakroom, your intranet, and your pay scale. Be honest and dig deep. Do you put the sales team last?

Pillar 2: Treat salespeople like the executives they are.

Your sales team should be treated as executives, directors, or CEOs. Give them the support and guidance they need. A sales support system should be created that allows salespeople to do what they are best at Sell.

Too many companies pile unnecessary, non-essential tasks onto their sales team in an attempt to save money. An employee estimates that an organization could save $25,000 by not hiring an administrative person to manage paperwork. Let’s say, “Let the salespeople handle it.” While you may save $25,000 on the salary of the administrator, you’ll lose a million bucks. It is easy to quantify the number of time salespeople must spend on other activities. It is difficult to quantify the immense loss to your sales team’s psyche. You can’t convince anyone that they can get a seven-figure deal if they are working four-figure jobs all day. Your sales team will feel like executives if they have a support system. They will also feel motivated by the staff.

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Pillar 3: Involve Sales People in Company Decisions

People become sales professionals because they want to control their destiny. Sales professionals will tell you that being in control of their future and their income is an essential factor in their career decisions.

It’s not fair for a salesperson to feel that the company will do what they want and when they want. The company disregards the salesperson and makes unintentional decisions that can adversely impact their family and life. Salespeople feel like they don’t have control over their fate because they aren’t allowed to make decisions. Keep in mind, however, that salespeople believe they are more knowledgeable about the field and the industry than any other person at work or in corporate headquarters. It doesn’t matter if that is true, but the salesperson is essentially out of control of their fate.

Meet with each member of the sales team before making any significant or substantial decisions. Each person’s opinions and ideas are essential. It does not mean you must agree with their views or follow them. The sales team will be grateful for your involvement, no matter what happens.

Create a motivational foundation for your sales team

Show your sales team that you care about them
Treat your sales team as if they were executives
Include the sales team in company decision making
You will see a significant decrease in turnover, increase sales, and maximize productivity if you have a solid motivational foundation. Only then will the rah-rah, you’re-can-do it pep rallies start to make sense dollars and sense.