How to Keep Your Sales Team on Track

How to Keep Your Sales Team on Track

Rhonda called me recently to discuss sales issues with her team. Rhonda was very concerned about the possible lack of effort. We discussed many things, including sales intelligence and capabilities. What we were most impressed with was the way the team carried out their day.

We found that sales professionals were less busy than they claimed. To make an impact on any business, selling professionals must be visible in many ways. Sales managers need to ensure that sales professionals are always at the forefront of their minds, even when buyers get distracted by seemingly simple issues.

These are the things sales managers need to do:


Multiple activities must be undertaken by sales reps to create visibility for customers. This includes natural and electronic resources that can help professionals be remembered by clients as peers.

* Take Action

Sellers should ensure they return calls when they promise to dress professionally and follow ethical standards. Referrals and testimonials are a sign of a good sales professional.

* Appreciation

Research has shown that customer service is a significant component of client interactions. Respect, support, and superiority with clients ensure that the company and its salespeople will be remembered forever.

Like many other sales professionals, they are often busy. Because of the numerous client issues, they are easily distracted. But, senior executives and sales leaders are concerned about consistency and focus. Salespeople must spend more time outside the office with their clients than they do in the office. Here are some ways that selling professionals can remain visible to clients.

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* Handwritten Notes

Every professional is now more productive than ever, thanks to email and social media. However, clients have returned to handwritten letters to remain visible due to the abundance of electronic correspondence. The effort is appreciated by clients. Handwritten cards are displayed beautifully on desks and credenzas in the office, sometimes in full view by competitors.

* Calls to the Phone

Although people are busy, it is acceptable to call clients once a week with helpful information that will improve their competitive position. Salespeople should not be allowed to call clients without a purpose. Each call should have a sense and help the customer.

* Sales Intelligence

Instantaneous research is possible through the internet to assist clients. Clients need to be able to trust peers and not vendors. Sales reps can improve their prospects by providing information that will increase revenues, return profits to shareholders, or improve their standing. Salespeople are trusted advisors, not vendors.

* Aesthetics

Professionals today must be memorable. It takes acting and looking the part. Sales representatives must dress as if they are meeting clients every day. Individuals must dress up as if they are meeting clients every day. Professionals selling must invest in good clothes, briefcases, and grooming products. The customer’s dress must be grander than the seller’s.

* Accountability

Sales representatives must be accountable. There are no excuses. This means that sales representatives must return calls promptly. I return all calls within 90 minutes, no questions asked. Explanations such as caller ID or working on other projects, etc. Clients are the most important thing. Clients should not be interrupted to the business’s purpose.

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* Organization

Many sales managers have heard of email obligations or windshield time. Sales agents are self-regulated unless they show how much time they waste. Their top priorities are to keep clients in mind and close business. To do the latter, salespeople must follow the first scenario. Unorganized sellers waste their time by not communicating with clients or meeting with them. Selling professionals must be organized and prioritize their tasks.

It is simple: the most productive selling professional is the one who is busy. The number of clients active selling professionals have to communicate with determines their priorities. They put clients first. Selling professionals who place clients first are more visible, vocal, and memorable. Excuses are an illusion.