How to Have a Good Sales Meeting

How to Have a Good Sales Meeting

How can you create a great sales meeting? A sales meeting, like all business meetings, should have an agenda, a clear purpose, and clearly defined outcomes. Sales meetings must be motivating and offer ideas that will help the team succeed. These are some topics that you might want to include on your regular agenda:

Quick Feedback:

Take ten minutes to talk about what is working and what doesn’t. Sales team members are the ones who interact with customers every day. They have the ability to see what is working and what doesn’t. This information is vital for both the sales team as well as the company. This information can be used by sales managers to improve customer service and to provide new product innovation.


Salespeople need solutions when they run into difficulties. Talk about the problems that your sales team is facing. They might need assistance from operations to deliver their products on time or from the customer service department to provide better service. These are just a few examples of problems that can be solved by the sales team working together with their peers in customer service or production.

Sales Training:

Each sales meeting should include a sales training agenda. Sales managers need to look for ways to improve the skills of their sales teams. Sales managers should draw on the expertise of senior salespeople to discuss how they handle different sales situations. This will not only help to train the unit but also keep the most senior salespeople involved in the meeting.

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Motivation and team building:

Sometimes, it is a good idea to invite an executive or guest speaker to motivate the team. To keep their team motivated and on track to achieve their sales goals, sales managers may use a portion of the meeting for launching a challenge or contest.


These tasks are also possible, but they should not be the main topic of discussion unless a new procedure is being implemented. Administrative topics could include expense reports, call reports, and computerized customer-management systems. These topics may seem insignificant, but they are crucial to the smooth operation of a sales department.

No matter what topic the sales manager chooses, it is essential to ensure that the meeting runs smoothly. Salespeople value their time and money. Don’t waste your time. Make sure they spend time preparing so they will be more inclined to attend future meetings. This is how you can have a successful sales meeting.

Leonard Kloeber, an author and a leadership consultant. As a former military officer and business executive, he has extensive leadership experience. He is a leader in many small and large organizations. He was most recently the human resources director for a Fortune 100 firm. Victory Principles: Leadership Lessons From D-Day in his book. It illustrates seven leadership principles that every successful leader uses.