Hiring Salespeople in Today’s Market – Recruiting Tips For Sales Team Hiring Managers

Hiring Salespeople in Today's Market - Recruiting Tips For Sales Team Hiring Managers

When I began my journey as a sales advisor, my clients had at least four or five qualified candidates for the same sales job. We would evaluate each of them and assist our clients in selecting the most effective one. The situation is reversed. I usually have one top candidate who has five job opportunities. Things have changed. If you think you’re able to just sit back and watch for the best sales professionals to appear asking for a job, reconsider. It’s a buyers ‘ market, and a lot of candidates won’t be able to take what you’re selling as a profession unless you leave a positive impression. Things have changed.

How effectively an employer manager participates during the process of hiring is as important as how your salespersons are involved in the selling process.

I’ve provided a few suggestions below to increase your chances of attracting the best candidates in the current era of recruiting. Be aware that this post is not about incentive programs and compensation plans, nor benefits offered by the company. It’s about how you can compete with other offers for jobs that your candidate put out in front of them.

Do Not Hire too Quickly. Instead, you should engage in the process of hiring quickly.

I talk to hundreds of candidates every year. Candidates who are the best repeat the same story. They say they’ve had six opportunities to work, and each one of them is progressing at a snail’s pace. They claim that they had to abandon their first choice due to the fact that the company they applied to was too slow, and they had to make a change. They decided to go with their second option. The company they chose to work for returned their call and was ready to offer, but it was late. They had to drop their top candidate as they acted too slowly.

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When you receive a message from a recruiter an applicant, you must respond promptly. If a candidate calls you directly, consider the best way to proceed, and then follow up to invite them to an interview or exclude those from hiring. Clear your desk of candidates quickly. Or, you can move them to the next step of the process, or you may be able to lose them.

If you must discuss your candidates with others but aren’t able to get everyone together to have a face-to-face meeting, then get them all together on the phone or through video conferences. Don’t let the candidate sit around, and you could miss out on another chance if you don’t act swiftly.

Do not be too enthralled by their Resumes.

The resume could be deceiving. One way is to make a person who is not a star appear like a star. On the other hand, an outstanding performer could be able to write a decent resume due to the high quality of the companies which they’ve worked at. Remember, you’re hiring a person, not just a piece of paper. If you’re skeptical, consider all the applicants with an outstanding resumes but failed. In the same way the majority of Sales Champions, I’ll bet they didn’t have the best resumes as well. You must talk with them, evaluate their skills and find out what they are good at.

Remember that you’re hiring a person – not just a piece of paper.

If, for instance, they’ve worked for only three years of work and are 35 years old, Don’t be nervous. Many Class A salespeople are hired by companies that have mediocre reputations. Take a look at it this way. How did you decide to leave your current job? Was it because you desired to work in a higher-paying job that offered more money and responsibilities? Did you quit because poor management decisions had a negative impact on your life and work? We often look at an individual’s resume and then allow them to be lenient when we actually speak to them and find out about the boss who is dictatorial, and the buy-out program with the corporate vision of the future that everybody hates or the reduction of compensation plans due to those at the top want to earn more.

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There are many reasons your resume will look the manner it appears. Consider a closer inspection before you throw it away.

Reduce time by conducting preliminary Telephone Interviews

If you are concerned that it is too difficult to schedule extended face-to-face interviews, begin the process by conducting short initial phone interviews. If you ask the right questions, you’ll know whether they’re “interview worthy” in just three up to 5 minutes.

Bottom The Bottom Line:

Don’t miss out on a great candidate due to not responding in a timely manner in the process of hiring. If you lose a top candidate, you won’t know for sure when a new best performer is found. In the end, you might be stuck with a subpar salesperson. Things have changed.