Eight Questions Your Company Needs to Ask About Its Sales Process

Eight Questions Your Company Needs to Ask About Its Sales Process

This article will discuss eight questions most companies must answer to create a repeatable, reliable, and scalable sales process.

1. Is your process customer-centric (rather than company-centric).
2. Are you able to scale, optimize and make your process more efficient?
3. Are you able to use and create clear metrics?
4. Are you able to clearly explain what you can do to increase sales and how you can do it?
5. Do you recognize bottlenecks and know how to fix them?
6. What can you do to lower the cost of customer acquisitions?
7. Are Sales and Marketing aligned correctly?
8. Are you using the most recent web marketing techniques to increase, manage and monitor lead generation?

Did you start with a thorough study of your customer?

Many companies have a sales process and are able to diagram the steps. When I ask people to tell me what’s not working, they often say that the problem is because they haven’t found a way to motivate customers to take a step. This is usually because they have not designed a customer-centric sales process.

These are other crucial actions that many companies fail to take, in my opinion.

Define the organizational resources that are responsible for each step

This may seem obvious. For each step in the sales process, make sure there is an organizational resource that is dedicated to that step. Also, ensure that they are incented and measured based on how many leads they handle and their conversion rates. This is a common problem in many companies that I have spoken with and worked with. Then they complain about the lack of qualified leads, sales, and revenue.
Define the technology underpinning the software

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Scalability is essential for a sales process. Automating the flow of information from one stage to the next is a must for any company. This can be done with software or software as a service (SaaS).

Learn about the buying habits of your customers

This is a decisive step in a repeatable and scalable sales process. Many companies that I’ve spoken to and worked with don’t start by carefully looking at the buying process of their customers. They need to look inside the minds of their customers and learn how to think like them.

Investigate the Relationships Between Actions

It is crucial to ensure that every step in the sales process has clear links with the next steps. Marketing activities without a clear call to action or a straightforward method for processing leads are two of the biggest problems I see.

These companies often complain that I don’t generate enough leads or sales. There is no process or a clear call to action, so there is no proven way to increase, manage, and generate leads.