5 Different Cold Calling Techniques

5 Different Cold Calling Techniques

My cell phone rang the other day while I was having lunch with Ken, a customer recently. It indicated that my office had left a voicemail. After I finished my meeting, I checked my voice mail to find a message from an obnoxious and lethargic cold caller.

When I have the time, I visit many of the LinkedIn blogs and groups to see what people are saying about sales and management. It still shocks me that so many people view cold calling as a sales tool after 29 years of being in the business.

Brooklyn, New York, was where I grew up. We had a pediatrician who visited our home whenever I was sick and a milkman who delivered a gallon once a week. It was back then, and it is back now. I can also recall a time when salespeople who wanted to pitch their products/services could do it before the Internet and “No Call” lists. This was back in the day.

Cold calling must be stopped by sales managers. Cold calling is like black and white television. Cold calling is not practical. It’s annoying and doesn’t engage economic buyers.

The reason to place a moratorium upon cold calling is:
1. It is a waste of time and money.
2. It doesn’t lead to significant sales or lead generation increases.
3. It is not very useful in creating value-based relationships

The internet has given consumers more control than ever, allowing them to make their own choices about products and services. Decision-makers have power today, something that cold callers didn’t have. This is due to the ability to quickly discover trends and research information.

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Second, today’s decision-makers are heavily influenced by customers. They rely on the testimony and case analysis of others to make decisions. If you don’t believe me, then take a look at Zappos and Facebook, which saw their consumer grow through word-of-mouth advertising rather than traditional promotions and advertising.

You might think, “Well, cold calling is dead.” However, there are still options for salespeople to generate leads and close deals. These are just a few.

1. Networking is a good idea.

It can increase the number of leads that are sold by professionals. Networking aggressively with groups that are home to your economic buyer is the only way to be known. Don’t be a part of groups that are just for your friends or family. You should focus your efforts on genuine buyers.

2. Warm Campaigns

Sales agents who meet buyers are more likely to be successful than those who send a handwritten letter of introduction. The letter must include reasons for writing, proof or validation of past experience with similar companies, and a step for following up on a particular date. If done right, targeted campaigns can open doors.

3. Referrals

Nothing beats a cold phone call or a referral from someone you trust. People who appreciate your worth are more likely to refer others that will benefit from the products or services you sell.

4. Third Party Endorsements

Sales agents may be able to meet potential customers, suppliers, or vendors who might appreciate their contribution. Do some research to establish the size of your network.

5. Visibility

Other than networking, attending conferences or hosting webinars are great ways to showcase your talents and meet decision-makers. Although networking is similar, it should be more appealing than the paper on the walls.

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Our environment is constantly changing and rapidly evolving. Many fundamentals have lost their value due to all the changes. Buyers are too busy, too tired, and too distracted. Sales managers and sales representatives must use more efficient methods to reach and exceed their sales goals.

What are some of the recent changes to the sales environment? We would love to hear from you. Your comments are welcome in the provided space.