Becoming an “Inner Winner” in Your Sales Career

Becoming an Inner Winner in Your Sales Career

Utilize the Strategies that Sport Psychologists employ with elite athletes to increase your sales performance

Matt is an executive in sales for an IT software company. Sales representatives have the responsibility of generating new business by conducting “cold calls” and monitoring prospects from prospective customers that respond to queries that the company gets. In addition to ensuring that sales representatives are able to answer any questions regarding the products they sell, Matt is also educating them in the conventional methods of how to interact with prospective customers and how to help them to see the ways that his products can simplify their work and make it more efficient, and also how to close deals. However, Matt is puzzled by the poor success rate in sales of his staff. Are there any other techniques for training that could dramatically boost the performance of their employees?

Yes! Traditional sales training methods overlook the most significant problem to sales success, not recognizing and tackling the Internal Critic, which is present inside every salesperson and in every athlete. Internal critics are a pattern of thought that is ingrained in mind. Ideas that allow people to continue to recur until they realize the reviews they’re engaging with this type of thought. Employing techniques that professional Sports Psychologists use to assist athletes who are elite overcome their obstacles to success does the same magic on sales professionals.

Here are some suggestions to share for your sales reps right away:

Learn to teach them the warning indications that indicate their “Internal Critic” in the workplace. Self-talk can help you succeed or result in disappointment. Most people do not realize that they engage in self-limiting thinking that hinders them from achieving success. Examples of self-talk that is negative and pessimistic phrases are: “What if …,” “I really hope that I don’t …” do it” had been thought, …” “The customer isn’t going to be happy with me even if …”, “I constantly have issues with …” I likely won’t make this sale work,” or “I can’t imagine how foolish I was to think that …”

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Negative, negative thoughts individuals allow going through their minds instantly cause muscle tightening across the body. This tightening is often accompanied by a more rapid breathing rate and, in many cases, sweating. In turn, these physical responses can be interpreted by the brain as “stress,” and you’ll be able to observe this across the body language and face of the salesperson (or athletes, for instance). Salespeople are able to practice catching themselves when these kinds of negative thoughts are running through their heads, and they might raise their fist (out of sight of the potential customer), and it serves as an opportunity to remind themselves to not think in this manner and to relax for a moment then let it go. Let it go and begin to think positively and optimistically.

There’s a saying that says, “What you believe in, you can accomplish.” Self-talk is the inner voice that leads towards convictions (either positive or negative), and beliefs cause the body’s responses. Salespeople must believe in their product and their ability to convince the client why they need to buy the product now. When salespeople are confident in themselves and their products, they will be more likely to be successful in sales.

Encourage them to give themselves positive affirmations throughout the day.

Positive affirmations can be described as positive, positive thoughts about your sales ‘ success as if it’s happening right now, today. Our subconscious minds don’t discern between what is that is real and something imagined (for example, imagine taking a bite of the tart of lemon and observe what your brain tells your salivary glands) If you give yourself positive affirmations, and then imagine the things that are happening in the present the subconscious mind is compelled to bring them about for you. Here are some examples of positive affirmations to salespeople: “I know my products and will demonstrate to my customers why they can benefit from these products for their needs,” I know how to handle people so that they’ll be willing to listen. To my suggestions.” My confidence as a salesperson increases every day.” I can see myself breaking my sales records every month.”

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Create the list of at minimum ten affirmations you are able to use every morning when you wake up and every evening after retiring. Recite each pledge at least ten times during the day and ten times at night by breathing deeply and imagining each affirmation that is happening right today.

Encourage them to envision their sales potential before meeting with the prospective customer.

Your subconscious mind takes instructions from you without making judgments about the outcome or failing. As mentioned above, internal dialogue and thoughts can be a way to direct the mind of your subconscious. Another method for controlling your subconscious mind is a visualization of success. Professional golfers, as an example, who imagine each shot prior to making it can see a striking resemblance between their perception of the image and the photo they will make.

Encourage your team members to imagine their preparations for the sales call, preparing the materials they need, and feeling confident because they are familiar with their product and are confident when they walk into the room in which the presentation will take place. Imagine the surroundings and the sights surrounding you while you start the perfect sales pitch. The customer will then be smiling and nodding as they demonstrate to them how this product can help them.

And lastly, imagine them handing over their client before closing the deal and then writing down the order.

Let them know the potential in goal-setting.

It is eleven chances more likely to achieve the goal if they record it instead of just contemplating the goals. Your salespeople should note down their short and long-term goals, which are precise and specific in their actions. For instance, “For this month, I’ll sell at least 27 widgets.” Be sure that the targets are realistic.

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Then, let them imagine themselves feeling happy when they have achieved their goal.

Imagine it as if they had already accomplished their objective. Then, ask them to list ways they could undermine themselves in order that they don’t achieve this objective. This is a crucial way to identify the ways in which they were sabotaging their success and the steps they can take to stop the behavior. These tips can aid your salespeople in looking at the inner barriers to their success and then unleash their full potential. Simply put, being an Inner Winner can lead to hitting every single time!