8 High Octane Sales Management Tips That Work in Any Economy

8 High Octane Sales Management Tips That Work in Any Economy

There are a handful of sales managers who give everything they have and are putting in the effort, there’s some sitting back, collecting an income, and awaiting better times. Doing that attitude is not the best way to manage an entire sales team – and it’s not the best way to set a good model for sales staff, too.

In this regard I’d like to share eight high-octane sales management strategies that can be applied to any market:

1. Engage people:

The most important thing that each salesperson requires and is one of the few things you can provide them , without straining the budget of your department is enthusiasm. If you have it, there’s no way to make a sale that appears to be too difficult Without this, all the most qualified prospects will disappear. Organise contests, invite trainers, or whatever else you can create excitement for your customers It’s not going to fix any issue that an economy or competitor will throw your way however it’s a great start towards the proper direction.

2. Concentrate on the things you are able to manage:

It’s no good being a tad agitated over events that happen outside of your doors, because there’s not much you can do to influence the outcome. Therefore, ensure that both you and the sales staff focus on what you influence – your personal behavior and attitude. Determine that you will not give up or compromise the goals you set, and prepare in line with that. It’s possible that you won’t be able fix all issues but you’ll be able to maintain your control over how you perform and how you feel.

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3. Find the positive side of the story:

It’s easy for sales personnel to feel discontented when they’re faced with the wrath of poor jobs reports, terrible news from within the industry cuts at other companies as well as worries at home and many other issues that are a result of the economy slowing. Keep things in check periodically by sharing the positive news. Inform your salespeople that buyers are in the market, and that the market will improve and it’s an excellent moment to sell.

4. Step into the field:

It doesn’t matter what you tell your employees’ producers If they believe that you’re not aware of the realities they face every day. This is why, in the current economic climate and a slowing economy, it’s more crucial than ever to go out and observe the kind of feedback your salespeople receive from their customers and prospective customers. Additionally, this can help you understand where your salespeople are at in their growth in terms of which strength and weakness are as well as what you can do to train and inspire them to go forward.

5. Integrate knowledge of the product

The more knowledgeable your salesperson are about and are aware of the services and products your business offers more effectively they will be able to explain the advantages of purchasing to potential customers. However, in times of stress most managers tend to concentrate on motivating their staff while putting product knowledge aside for an additional time. Avoid falling into that trap: make sure that each employee on your team isn’t only aware of the details of what you’re offering, but also communicate them in a manner that will lead to orders being signed.

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6. Learn a sales method:

In a difficult selling environment, it’s very easy to slip up. A solid sales strategy will help keep your employees focussed on finding potential customers, evaluating the prospects, and after that, negotiating and closing them into new customers. An economic downturn is a reason to do all you can to make as many sales as you can and not wasting the opportunities that remain.

7. Turn your sales department into a sales university:

Continuous learning is an attribute of the best producers and top selling teams. Take advantage of the downtime that an economic downturn can help your team become better. They will not only be better prepared to face the inevitable upswing however, a regular consumption of videos, books and training on selling keeps them focused throughout the time.

8. Make sure you hire smartly:

Many sales managers are unhappy about the weak salespeople on their teams But who’s the culprit? In the majority of cases they would like to have more skilled salespeople, but they didn’t have the time to locate and recruit better candidates. Although you may not have salespeople on the payroll until things get better and you are able to identify the traits of a strong salesperson and learn how to recognize them during interviews, personality tests and other tools available to you. The most important thing you don’t would like to do in this or any other one – is to teach an individual who has always been an unqualified prospect for sales.

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Carl Henry is a management consultant. He is a specialist in assisting businesses in the selection process of the best selling and service talents. Carl is also a Certified Speaking Professional and the author of numerous books and articles on sales, sales management and service to customers. Carl conducts seminars and webinars for clients around the world.