The Only Constant in the Art of Selling – Traffic Counts – Attitude and Basics

The Only Constant in the Art of Selling - Traffic Counts - Attitude and Basics

Do you remember the days when music was a matter of looking through records at the record shop, being cautious not to damage the form while you were putting it down, or using the radio dial in search of an AM or FM station? Do you remember taking an extra dime to pay for the phone and spending the evening answering letters or heading to the theatre to watch the latest blockbuster? Did you ever have the time of your life studying in the library, poring over the family’s encyclopedia, or looking through magazines and newspapers for facts?

Nowadays, a lot of this has changed. Films, music, and even television are available via computers and mobile gadgets. Mobile phones, email, and social networks are now common ways of communicating. The Internet has almost completely eliminated all other options for research and delivery of information. Even newspapers are likely to disappear within the next few years. However, even though our methods of engagement are modern, the fundamentals remain the same: we still enjoy music and watch movies and interact with people.

It’s the same for business. The methods we use to reach, communicate and interact with our customers have evolved; however, selling hasn’t. In reality, everything, except for the method used to buy and sell, is replaced by something brand new. In the end, everyone goes to the dealer to purchase a car and to talk to the salesperson.


Everyone is aware that business is in decline, but do your salespeople also down? Sales managers and sales reps can be a part of the hostile media that is slamming Americans from all angles and also sell automobiles. In virtually every single store in the United States, people have stopped selling products, while managers have stopped managing, and the stores have stopped growing. At APB, more often, we witness two things taking place that managers and salespeople are pushing so hard that customers are swayed into non-action and are unable to make a choice or aren’t offered the option of be-backs; it buys now or goes home. They’ve essentially abandoned the fundamentals of blocking and tackling – and have adopted an attitude that is negative and is now an unfulfilling prophecy. Maintaining a positive mindset is crucial for any business looking to make a share of those sales.

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Many stores only consider sales to reward the top performers. Alongside negative press, it’s one of the most effective ways to disengage and cause negative feelings. It also reinforces the perception of management that salespeople are responsible for their poor performance and salespeople’s perception that people do not have the money and do not really want to purchase. The words that stop deals before they even begin – – no, don’t, won’t, or cannot – have been incorporated into the vocabulary of the team and are putting an end to your business’s success.

We live in a technologically advanced information superhighway that has changed the way we conduct business. The only two things that consumers can do without visiting the dealer is to try it out and then buy it – regardless of how much research has been conducted online. It’s essential for retailers to take advantage of every chance and device to connect with potential customers and provide the necessary information to entice them, but the purpose of all of these tools is to aid in bringing customers to your store.

What’s Your Job?

What has happened to the past when a sales manager was able to drop everything in order to sell? Sales managers’ job is the same as it was a decade ago. It’s to assist salespeople in selling and making customers buy. It’s more than just selling. There’s something more crucial than taking care of your customers and closing the business before you. Salespeople’s role is to act as an expert in the selection, helping customers find the perfect item or service that best suits their requirements. Salespeople should make projections their main focus or their daily plan of action to assist a client in choosing and purchase an item or service. If they are focused on this, salespeople adopt the opposite approach:

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1. You should ask questions that are specific; however, they are not confrontational or pushy and provide specific details that strengthen the salesperson’s ability to drive this process along. Discover how the buyer will utilize the product or service, such as for recreation, work, etc.

2. Find out what the customers’ actual preferences are in terms of fashion and comfort, color, and so on. Also, what they prefer and dislike about their current service or product. They act like Selection Specialists.

3. Pay attention to the responses of the customer. This is the most crucial and, often ignored, part of becoming an expert in Selection. The knowledgeable salesperson will know when a buyer has decided on a specific item or service. Only after that can they proceed to the next stage.

4. Choose the appropriate product or service, the one that matches the needs of the consumer.

5. Moving to an introduction features, functions, specific details, warranties, special offers, and more… All of this is part of the process of selecting.

If you attempt to convince a client to buy something they don’t enjoy or don’t want, you will end up without a product. The key to success is making the proper selection. When salespeople understand that their task is to assist buyers in finding the best item or solution, “now” becomes irrelevant. What is the point of “now?” If the buyer doesn’t have all the necessary information to make a choice, how does the customer purchase “now?” The fact that a customer can complete the purchase the next day or in the week ahead is irrelevant; what’s important is that they purchase and purchase at your store. If buyers are interested in evaluating buying something, then the salesperson needs to gather enough information prior to the time the buyer departs to keep in contact with them, particularly in the initial 72 hours after the purchase. At a minimum, the salesperson needs to gather and keep track of primary, precise data to present the most attractive offer on the product or service that the customer is looking for prior to leaving the store make the follow-up plan to get the customer back for a final sale. This method allows the salesperson to secure the deal and also will enable them to earn more revenue and referrals.

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Anytime there’s a problem, there must be an answer. Relying on the fundamentals of selling – which is the only one that has been a constant throughout our lives allows dealerships to take market share from competitors who focus only on closing the deal today. Keep in mind that a salesperson’s job isn’t selling; it’s instead to assist customers in buying.