The 4 Biggest National Sales Meeting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

The 4 Biggest National Sales Meeting Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

However, it’s equally likely that they’ll pay an enormous amount of dollars, waste the entire week and annoy their sales team. It’s because arranging a productive nationwide sales event is more complicated than just renting a conference venue and reciting a couple of memos. For tangible results, you require an event that is filled with information and enthusiasm… one that will make attendees feel motivated to travel to meet new customers instead of feeling bored and wishing they were able to go home.

To that end and due to the fact that I’ve attended enough sales meetings to know what is effective, here is the list of the most frequently encountered traps, as well as the best strategies to stay away from them.

#1. Being unfocused:

I frequently advise salespeople to stay clear of what I refer to as “the dump truck routine.” Although you may not be familiar with my terminology I’m sure you’ve witnessed it in action. it’s when a salesperson starts with facts and other information to potential buyers, one after the other in hopes that they’ll finally speak something that can trigger an impulse purchase.

You’re probably aware that this tactic doesn’t really help in the sale of any item. However, what you must recognize is that it’s not just salespeople who are commissioned that make this mistake. Many managers and executives frequently overwhelm their sales teams with ideas that aren’t really new, believing that distributing dozens of concepts and ideas can boost the chances that they’ll be able to come up with something that will be useful.

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However, in reality, it often does the opposite. If you throw too much of your sales team is likely to make them confused, and in the worst case, it can make them tune out all the information they receive. When you plan your sales conference choose only three or two key topics which need to be taught or discussed, and plan your sessions and materials around these. It’s tempting to concentrate on more topics, but it will only result in having to water down the final outcome.

#2. The big picture is missing:

Do your team’s sales representatives have a method that they follow and use? Are they generating leads on a regular basis, evaluating prospective buyers, and negotiating profitable margins with their clients? If you can answer one of the above concerns are “no,” then you are probably not required to instruct them on sophisticated closing techniques or fret about fine-tuning their database skills. You must focus on the basics.

I’ve seen numerous companies spend a lot of sums of money on complex lead tracking systems, only to find that their sales reps don’t know how to solicit the order or waste numerous working days on unclear strategies for motivation, even though their sales personnel aren’t able to give an efficient presentation. These errors can be easily identified in the future however it’s very difficult to see the forests when you’re eager to test the latest method or tool. If you’re determined to make the difference you want to make in your sales in the near future ensure that you’re providing your employees the proper tools to achieve their goals, not the ones that look great on a sheet of program.

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#3. The meeting is taken too seriously… or not taking it serious enough:

Salespeople, due to their nature, are social creatures. The national sales gathering isn’t only an opportunity to get new ideas and ideas, but also to meet some familiar faces as well as meet up with old friends. Take into account that some attendees may have to travel for a long distance to be there or squeeze a whole full week’s worth of work in just a few days in order to enjoy time and you can observe how excessive (or excessive) meetings can create negative effects.

However, the national sales conference must have real value for the business. It’s not enough to hand out some books, mention some inspiring things and then take everyone to dinner with a steak. While it’s important to show gratitude for your team’s sales, be careful not to convey the wrong message when you treat the event as an ordinary field day. Reward and recognize the achievements of your team, but do so in a manner that inspires the team to make more sales in the future.

#4. Failure to get feedback:

The national sales meeting shouldn’t be only a one-way conversation. After you’ve brought everyone together and have a chance to discover what your business can do to better assist your sales staff. Do they require new or alternative tools, or better communication with another department, or do they need to relay typical client concerns and requests? Sales meetings are an ideal place to meet not just because people can express their concerns in person however, the opinions or thoughts of one person may inspire an idea or idea from someone else.

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The process of gathering the feedback of your sales team isn’t necessarily an official event. In fact, anonymous questionnaires and other written techniques can yield authentic responses since it allows your employees the opportunity to speak freely without having to be public.

Key Sales Management Point:

With a little attention and planning the annual sales event can inspire your staff to go further than before. Remember these suggestions and you’ll create an event that’s just as profitable as it is efficient.