Newsletter Marketing – An Inexpensive But Effective Way To Increase Sales

Newsletter Marketing - An Inexpensive But Effective Way To Increase Sales

You want to increase equipment and sales of your company’s services through marketing and promotion but don’t have the budget for big-ticket advertising and promotion.
Use an affordable but powerful Newsletter E-mail Marketing Program.

What is Newsletter Email Marketing?

Newsletter marketing is used to promote the products and services of your company and to improve its reputation as a reliable, professional, and knowledgeable entity.

Newsletter marketing can offer some of the same benefits as On-Hold Promotions. It informs customers about special offers or new products and services. Your promotional message will be delivered to your prospects and customers on a regular basis. This is an advantage over waiting for them to call you or waiting on hold to hear it. Your prospect will be motivated to read your newsletter when it arrives.

How does this all happen?

You can create a weekly or monthly newsletter with your company name, logo, and promotional information. Also, you can add news, tips, and advice based on your customers’ potential interests. Once your newsletter has been approved by you, it will be E-mailed to the customers and prospects that you choose.

Newsletter Format and Content

These are the factors that will guide your newsletter design.

Each issue contains current and relevant articles that are of particular interest to business people.
Information, tips, news, and advice about new services, products, and technology are selected from professional articles or news releases and replaced by my old copy from previous newsletters.
The newsletters will have your logo and company name prominently displayed. This is to give the impression that you are the author or editor of the newsletter.
The newsletter does not publish advertisements from vendors (except for promotions of your company).
Promotions for your company
Every newsletter will have a column or space that promotes your company, products, and services.
Monthly Equipment or Services Pricing Discounts
Information about your company such as the new equipment or services that you have added to your line.
Recognition, awards, or other achievements for your company’s employees or executives
Changes in personnel or management at your company
Services and company policies are subject to change
Newsletter Service
A newsletter service is a company that helps create and mail newsletters. These services usually include reports that will tell you who opened your E-mails.

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What is the newsletter process?

You can choose the newsletter content you want to send to your prospects and customers in just four steps. The newsletter service is free to use, but you will need to pay a small fee (usually $.01-$.02 per recipient). You can also pay a small fee if you use a service to design your newsletter and write copy for you.

Step 1:

Choose the template and format that you believe will be most interesting to your prospects. Also, choose a format that best represents your company’s products and policies.

Step 2:

Create (and send to your newsletter design company, if applicable) monthly promotions, specials, and news about your company, such as new products, service upgrades, pricing specials, and so on. You’ll need to include these items in your newsletter template.

Step 3:

You will receive your template (if you used a design service), along with your inserted company information, for your approval.

Step 4:

Send your final template via email to all customers or prospects that you have added to the E-mail list. You can also print the 1-page template as a handout, prospecting piece, or stuffer.

Use your newsletter to promote prospecting and in presentations to potential customers.

In order to keep prospective customers informed about your company, you include them in your Newsletter Email list. This will allow prospects to contact you for information and quotes when they are ready to buy systems or services.

Even a manager without any experience in newsletter marketing can easily create a powerful tool to market his products or services by following these steps.

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Garry Steck is the publisher of Telcom Today. This newsletter is for managers of service and telephone companies in the United States. He also has 30 years of experience as an independent telecom consultant. He lists newsletters among his most successful marketing programs as near the top. His newsletters are the reason that a large percentage of his new clients found him.