Marketing Skills Training

Marketing Skills Training

Use Seminars to Promote Your Business

Take control of your voice.

In the past few years, I have spoken and attended many conferences and events. It was something I noticed that speaking made me a recognized specialist in my field, and people wanted to know more about it.

Listening to other speakers was a great way to meet people and enjoy a cup of coffee and a sandwich. Sometimes, I was interested enough in the speakers to purchase services from them. They may have also purchased services from me. In a sense, I’m proof that the strategy I will be describing works. To do this effectively, however, you will need a plan. Many people network but don’t have any design or goals. They just “wing it”!

Who can benefit from seminars?

A variety of industries can use promotional seminars, including accountants, marketing companies, HR specialists, IT companies, and others. Many business people who speak at promotional conferences try to make a name for themselves. Instead, they should be helping other delegates.

You must present an excellent performance, or even an outstanding performance, to be successful. Jim Ewan, the former President of the Professional Speakers Association, is available to help you with your presentation skills. Make sure that you speak to people, not just to show how amazing you are. Give them something for free. You should encourage people to take action after your talk and to give them something in return.

Approach an organization

You should get another person to help you run your seminars before you begin to market them. Perhaps you would like to partner with an accountant, bank, solicitor, or other industry body. The best way to do this is to speak at seminars of other organizations. Contact Chambers of Commerce, IoD, and FBS, local business clubs, breakfast networking groups, Women’s Institutes, conference planners, and seminars.

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What am I going to say?

The key to a successful seminar is to attract the right kind of people. Engage the audience by giving them valuable advice and information, and then win some business through speaking.

The location

It is essential to hold seminars in an exciting location. You may be surprised to learn that not everyone will come to your meetings just to hear you. Gleneagles was the location for one of my Marketing seminars. I discovered that 75% of those who attended the lunchtime session either played golf in the morning or continued their game after I spoke. You will be surprised to learn that all the attendees were MUFC fans. I believe that the venue can draw people to my seminar, and that is precisely what you want.


When is the best time to hold your seminar? It doesn’t matter if it’s a breakfast, lunch, or evening seminar. There will always be people who are unable to make it because of various reasons. It is always a good idea to avoid Mondays.


Is it a good idea to charge for your talk? There are four reasons you should set for your address. First, free stuff is not always valued. Second, your professionalism and time are valuable. Thirdly, your organization will usually charge guests. Fourth, setting people even a tiny amount is more likely to get them to show up.

How long?

A seminar’s talk should not last more than 30 to 45 minutes. You should not give away all the information but rather create interest through a few tips.

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You must position yourself correctly.

Your organizer or chairman must position you in the best possible way. To help them, you should have a written introduction. This will allow them to ‘wing’ your introduction, and you might not be positioned appropriately.

Conversion rates

Seminars I speak at often result in new business. Why? Why? Your job in 45 minutes is to make people feel like they trust, know, and trust you. Or at least have started on the path to doing so enough that they want to see you again.

Follow up

Make sure to mingle with your delegates and especially afterward. Recently, I gave a talk to the Association of Accounting Technicians. The conference ran from 7.00 pm to 7:45 pm. I was out of the building by 10.35 pm. Why? Because people wanted me to talk to them! I left with an inquiry that has led to a PS36,000+ purchase. This is not to impress, but to show you that promotional seminars do work.

Make a list of everyone who attended or draw a prize for someone. Ask everyone to place their business card in a hat so you can call them afterward.

Many organizations find that seminars work well.

Is it possible for them to work for you? If not, our team can help. We can help you with everything from public relations to event management and public speaking training.