Management and Sales Training – How Can You Tell When People Are Committed and Not Just Compliant?

Management and Sales Training - How Can You Tell When People Are Committed and Not Just Compliant

Have you ever had a sales experience and believed you had a client’s promise to do something but then discovered that they’d violated what you thought had been an agreed-upon agreement and them?
Have you ever provided comments to your employee, and you were sure that he or they would alter their behavior but then later find out that there was no change?

How can you tell if individuals are committed to doing what you’re telling them to do and not just pretending for the sake of getting them to stop?

There are nonverbal and verbal clues that will provide a clear idea of whether or not people will actually follow through with what you’ve instructed to do. Sure of them are based on the manner in which you ask them, while others rely on how they respond.

1. Use powerful language when you are asking people to do something.

When you submit your request, make sure you ask, “Will be willing to (buy my products, avail my service, or change your behavior)?” Use no-no phrases such as “Could you?” “Would you?” or “Might you?”

Someone “could” modify, “would” change,” or “might” change, however in actual fact, “will” he or they change.

Change is an act of will. You must ensure that they have sufficient “will capability” to change their mind.

You might be hesitant to make this statement. Sure, you’d like to inquire, “Will do you?” in a manner that is assertive but not threatening. But, if you’re clear when you make the request anticipate receiving a straight reply.

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2. Pay attention to the words that others respond to your question “Will you (do the things the question is asking of you)?”

As you wouldn’t need to be using a vague word in your response, you must make the responses of others who are using hesitant words when they respond.

If they respond, “I think so” or “I’ll try” or “Sounds good” or something other than “Yes,” you don’t have their full support. The words that they use suggest they are still unsure about what you’re asking them to accomplish.

3. Pay attention to the tone of voice if they answer “yes” in the course of responding to your request.

The tone of voice a person uses provides a wealth of clues as to whether they have their commitment. Do they sound confident or tentative “yes” sound confident or uncertain?

Mainly, don’t take a head nod which appears to indicate that you are in agreement. Find out if the head nod suggests “yes” and then listen to the tone of voice when they answer.

4. Be sure to watch their eyes when you inquire.

If they are able to maintain an eye on you, they are likely to have their full attention. If they glance away, you might not.

5. “Yes” is the only way to define it “yes” is “yes.”

If you don’t hear anything other than a strict “yes,” ask why they’re not sure. It is essential to be present whenever people voice doubts to be able to answer their questions.

The way to deal with doubt is to say “Sounds similar to” (if you are noticing something different in the way they talk) as well as “Looks as” (if you observe that their behavior in non-verbal language suggests that they are not fully committed) “you’re not sure.” If they say they’re not sure, ask them, “What worries do you face?”

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Be aware that every complaint has the seeds of unmet demand. Making your concerns public can give you the chance to address the need.

Larry Barkan has been a speaker, author, consultant, and author since 1984. He consults with companies groups, individuals, and teams who wish to see remarkable results in their profit and productivity as well as interpersonal relationships.