Increase Sales Revenue NOW! Seven Sales Secrets to Increasing Your Sales Volume, Even in a Recession

Increase Sales Revenue NOW! Seven Sales Secrets to Increasing Your Sales Volume, Even in a Recession

Marketing is a science. Over the last 23 years, I have been attracting salespeople, educating sales managers, establishing businesses, and devouring many books. I’ve determined the seven (7) essential areas that must be mastered for sustainable growth in sales:

1. Positioning / Branding / Differentiation:

Effectively answering the most crucial inquiry in the mind of the prospective customer, “Why should I do business with you (and not with your rival)?” is essential. It is also necessary to have a solid “Sales posture.” Salespeople who do not have a Unique Value Proposition (UVP) frequently have to resort to cutting prices. The idea of asking for business isn’t an effective sales method. Keep in mind that the brain of the prospect operates around the W.I.I.F.M. principle (“What’s In It for Me? ).

2. Potent Sales Scripts:

Naturally sounded, scientifically-written, and emotional-inspiring sales scripts for Prospecting/Pre-Qualifying, sales presentation, objection handling closing sales, following up, and FAQs are essential. A good sales script will ensure that your salespeople remain on track, ask relevant questions, and “sail” to the Close! Writing a script can aid in training salespeople who are new quickly and create an image that is consistent and professional for your company.

3. Cutting Edge Sales Tools:

An “Info Kit” (PDF for mailing, faxing, and snail-mailing) is usually required. It must be developed scientifically to use the correct emotional Hot Buttons and incorporate the most effective “Call to action.” Prospect Databases and an excellent customer Relationship Management (CRM) system with well-defined “Steps to Sales” along with the associated “Actions” that are recorded into the CRM are essential as well. A well-designed website can be an essential asset.

See also  Consistent Sales Growth

4. Employ the Right Salespeople:

Sales professionals who are good are scarce and are often challenging to locate. The Joy tests (TM) of total sales Capability (mm) by Dan Joy, Inc. will help you find the most effective salespeople (Top 2 percent) to keep them for a more extended period of time and increase your sales! They also allow you to avoid costly hiring errors. In the past, sales assessment tools were used mainly by large businesses. Today, the fully integrated sales assessment system online that is provided by Dan Joy, Inc. has brought these vital sales assessment tools into the easily accessible for small to medium-sized enterprises. However, large businesses can also benefit from them. Dan Joy, Inc. offers free sales assessments to companies who are eligible (see the link below in the Author’s Bio/Resource Box further down).

5. Good Sales Leadership:

Selling is among the most challenging tasks. It’s both physically demanding (long periods of time) and emotionally exhausting (facing constant rejection). The idea of having your sales team report to someone who hasn’t worked for a living is generally not the best decision. I’ve seen sales personnel report to the “non-sales” plant manager, CFO, Production Manager, Office Manager or Office Manager, etc. It can lead to disaster. Regular sales meetings (at minimum once a week) and Playing role Playing (practicing your scripts and objection handling, etc. ), and Sales Training. Sales goals that are formulated in terms of controlled actions (necessary) and ongoing monitoring, accountability and metrics rewards or correction, motivation / the power of inspiration are all crucial.

See also  Involving Sales Managers in Development and Delivery

6. Continual Lead Generation:

Your salespeople should always be able to keep “several ferrets on the stove” to ensure that they don’t place all their hopes on one sale (or being disappointed when it doesn’t). Multiple sales must be “brewing” throughout the day. A consistent, reliable, and ongoing Leads Generation program must have been in place (Direct Mail, eMarketing Press Releases, Advertising, etc.). If you’ve got a great item or service, you should contact your message out there and in large quantities.

7. Acuity:

Monitoring what’s working and what’s not and making constant adjustments to the course is essential. In addition, you need to be aware of the competition, analyzing the market, and making changes to remain ahead. Finding good salespeople can be more complex than attracting them; however, treating them well and remunerating them appropriately would make a difference.


Do you want to know how to boost sales? Here’s what you need to know. If you are looking to increase sales or expand your business over the long run, even in the midst of a downturn or recession, You must be proficient in these seven areas of expertise. These sales tips and advice can assist you in increasing the revenue from sales steadily. Building a successful business takes dedication and simple work. The advice on sales growth above is for entrepreneurs, small companies, and large corporations that want to increase their sales regardless of the extent of implementation may vary.