How to Manage Your Sales Force in Any Economy

How to Manage Your Sales Force in Any Economy

You can sell in any economy with great salespeople.

Business cycles are authentic and can impact your business. However, the perceptions and hype don’t always match the reality. The media have a job selling newspapers and drawing attention. They are best to stir up controversy. However, that doesn’t mean we should panic when they tell us the sky is falling. The ‘economy’ doesn’t consist of a vast corporation made up of percentages and pork belly – it’s just a way to think about the millions and millions of small sellers and buyers that make the world move.

This is key to maintaining a positive outlook and a healthy mindset. If one industry or market is doing well, the other is struggling. It is important to remember that buying and selling are always happening, and there is always someone doing well and someone else who isn’t. Even the most successful booms can have their downfalls. Companies can be forced to close when the economy is “hot.”

However, significant sales are still being made even during the worst economic times. Even though there is a lot of media that focuses on forecasting slowdowns and recessions, I think the best times for salespeople are actually the most dangerous. It’s easier to keep your eyes on the ball when things are slow. Salespeople are aware that they will have to compete for their money, so they start prospecting, learning more about their products, and following up with customers. This is all they need to succeed in any setting. What happens when there is a lot of money and business when buyers seem to be everywhere? Human nature kicks in. They let their foot off of the accelerator and coast. Bad habits and a false sense of security can lead to destructive behavior.

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Hunters Become Order Takers:

They become order takers instead of searching for new business. In the short term, this might not pose a problem as there is enough business to cover the problem. Things will eventually go south. When they do, it is the salesperson who has worked smart all along that will be able to continue hitting the numbers and enjoying the bonus. This is similar to being out of form. It’s easy to continue going to the gym if you are in the routine.

Every weight loss, every mile run make you feel more relaxed and more robust. What happens if things get too good for you? It’s tempting to relax a little. What kind of damage can they do to your body if you spend a day on the couch? After all, you’re in great shape. It’s true that a lazy weekend or an extra slice of cheese won’t cause any harm. One becomes two, which then turns into three, and finally into four. One day at the gym can turn into a week and then a whole month. One meal out can turn into a steady diet consisting of fast food. Soon you’ll be unable to walk or run more than a few steps. It’s okay to be happy about good food. Be happy, but not so much that you lose sight of the road.

Do not get caught up in the news:

It is important not to get caught up in the drumbeat that everyone is hearing. I don’t believe that the economy will always be excellent. Sometimes it won’t. You shouldn’t lose sight of the good times. Don’t let yourself get discouraged by slow times. Keep doing what you are doing and tell yourself and your customers that everything will be fine. Many salespeople complain when they are in a challenging sales environment. This attitude is not likely to attract customers.

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Your enthusiasm must reflect your desire to get people to buy from and support you. Henry Ford once stated that if your goal is to find business, you will lose it. This is good advice for any economy. You will be wealthy and successful if you have a good life. There is only one difference: how many people will you need to speak to make it happen. Booms and recessions exist, but only to the extent that salespeople choose to be involved.

Increase your sales calls and shake more hands:

It is still about finding the right people, doing the right things, that sales are and will always be. This is not something that will be affected by a few ticks of the stock exchange. Focus on your sales fundamentals and keep your eyes focused there. The rest of the world’s opinions about the economy will not matter.