Don’t Push On A Piece Of String

Don't Push On A Piece Of String

A great analogy to use in situations where influence is needed is “don’t push on the string.”

The point is, however, that you can pull, and very strongly, on your string, even though you can’t push. Anyone who has ever fished will be familiar with the importance of baiting fish. Once the fish is hooked, the fisherman will play it carefully to secure it in their net.

This analogy is handy in tendering.

Push and Pull at Tender

Pushy selling attendee is not something you should consider. This might work for you in retail or B2B sales, where customers are ready to buy.

Tender selling is quite a different kind of business! The buyer is able to identify what they are looking for and where it can be found in their supply chain. The buyer is looking for the best deal, but they will not be impartial or dispassionate about who they buy from.

It is your job to attract them to you, make them interested in you as a supplier, and then land them by skillful tendering and presentation.

What is the bait in tendering?

Professional buyers are looking for FOUR elements in tender bids.

Only TWO elements, other than pure commodity buying, where the price is paramount, are motivating factors. They will be your bait.

Your CREDIBILITY AND your CAPABILITY are the motivators. Buyers want a supplier they can rely on to meet their supply chain requirements.

These two elements are vital but not in relation to what the market provides – your COMPLIANCE with the supply requirements and your PRICE. These are important, but only to the extent, you are in line with the market. These are not motivators to buy-in.

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Making Your Bait Tasty

You can make sure that your bait is delicious by providing solid answers to the motivator questions regarding your Credibility, Capability, and other relevant information.

These questions will help you convince buyers that you are willing to do what is required.

The show, don’t tell:

Describe how you do what it is that you do
Be straightforward and easy to follow. You can be trusted with what you have to say
Your work should be broken down logically
Demonstrate why your work is essential and how it contributes to the buyer’s goals
You can prove your claims by listening to what customers have to say about you
Describe your professional credentials, industry participation, and ISO accreditations
Show that you are willing to flex your supply in order to make strategic gains for the buyer if you can

It all boils down to your Skill and Know-how.

Nearly always, buyers are looking to acquire supply knowledge and skill in an acceptable transaction.

You need to convince them with your tender documents that you have the right skills and knowledge and that they will be able to rely on you for their purchases.

Take care of what you write and how it is written in tender documents. You can build up a collection of answers to delicate questions. Keep them safe so that you can easily re-access them.

Your tender is your bait. It is your bait.


accelerates your tender response development and allows you to quickly respond with bid responses that are unique.

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RFP Solutions offers bespoke tender response consulting, from the support of an essential new bid to full, delicate program development, automation, and management.