Do You Have a Cohesive Sales Team Focused on Results? It Might Be Time to Implement a New Game Plan

Do You Have a Cohesive Sales Team Focused on Results It Might Be Time to Implement a New Game Plan

Last month, we discussed how to get your team together. How to find top performers and match skills to the job. Also, how to hire based on growth potential rather than experience. Although it is great to get the right people in place, it is just the beginning. Successor failure is determined by what happens after that.

The possibility of LeBron James, Chris Bosh, and Dwayne Wade all playing together on the same team is the topic of most of the US’s sports media. The Miami Heat is currently a TEAM. But it is TEAMWORK that will decide whether they succeed. Can they work together? Can they get their support players to work together? Can their coaching staff use strategies to maximize their potential and empower the rest to perform to their full potential?

From good to great

Phil Jackson, a coach, stated that “Great teams are made when their members can trust one another enough to give up the Me for the We.”

Outstanding performers need to be supported by effective leadership and systems.

Trust is key to business success, just like in sports. Teamwork, which can’t work well without trust, is crucial for both the top and bottom. Companies that win create a culture of success at the top. They expect great results, have confidence in their hiring process, and communicate expectations clearly. They hire top performers, set realistic and quantifiable performance standards, and provide consistent feedback. They offer ongoing training that focuses not only on CRM products and strategies but also on how to build relationships and help each member of the team understand their strengths and weaknesses. They create an environment in which “we” is more important than “me”.

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Empowerment through Systems

To ensure that their sales teams are disciplined, top sales organizations provide a well-communicated sales process.

A sales process can be described as a game plan. The details may change from week to week or client to client, but the overall objective and steps to achieve it remain the same. Without first evaluating his players and their match-ups and then adjusting his strategy accordingly, how can a coach make a good game plan?

You must first understand your market before you can outline your sales process. You need to know what you are good at. Know where you can get help. This is not always simple. You may need to take a step back and examine your organization from a different perspective if you’re having problems. Or hire someone who has the experience to help you.

This knowledge will allow you to optimize your efforts and achieve optimal results. This will enable you to identify where your efforts are failing. This will allow you to determine the variables that will be used to measure activity or productivity. This will give you an idea of the time it takes to move sales through the pipeline. It also includes any training that may be helpful in reducing that time.

According to Harvard Business Review’s 2006 article, “The New Science of Sales Force Productivity,” the best sales managers use a system that revolves around selling. This method does not rely on intuition and native sales talent, the traditional qualities of the rainmaker, but also data, analysis, and tools that help to redraw markets and increase sales force productivity.

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According to the authors, “In today’s selling environment, it is not enough for you to rely only on your star reps and expect the best.” The authors recommend that organizations are looking to increase productivity using a systemic approach, which includes Optimized Automation and Targeted Offerings.

Measurement for Success

One way to do this is to create a scorecard system. A company scorecard can review the market and the business to see the whole picture. An individual scorecard will rate the players.

Sales is a great way to measure success. However, if you only measure financial results, you won’t see the whole picture. It is crucial to be able to measure effort. Sales can often be a numbers game. Acceptance is a part of the sales process. The individual scorecard should be able to measure both leading indicators and results. Your reps will be able to see the progress of each week by looking at quantifiable activity indicators. What number of phone calls were made? How many conversations were had? Did all reports need to be turned in?

Structures that allow flexibility

A structured system allows you to quickly disseminate information, especially in a changing market. The key benefit of a well-executed plan is that even if it goes wrong, there are processes in place to correct it. If necessary, you can take a step back and reevaluate the plan.

Tom Landry once stated, “I don’t believe in team motivation.” I believe in getting the team ready so that it can have the confidence to step on the field and be prepared for a game.

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Your reps will be equipped with a plan and trained to win.

Effectively Partner

Growth Solutions can help you take your business to new heights by providing the expertise, leadership, and systems that will enable you to understand the science behind your sales force’s productivity.