Creating a Sales Culture

Creating a Sales Culture

While thinking about my clients this morning, I began to consider how I could create a culture that promotes sales. One of my clients was talking about her staffing problems. I was struck by the fact that one of her employees was not available to check their voice mails. Another client complained that customers are calling her to interrupt her work. WHAT? WHAT? How does a team create a sales culture?

1. Team Intention

Every member of the team must believe there is a bottom-line mission to business, and that is making a sale. While we are honest in our efforts, it is not enough to make sales. It doesn’t matter if your business sells products or services. It is all about getting new customers and selling them. This must be communicated to all staff members and made a priority for you. You must sell, regardless of whether you enjoy it or not.

2. Clearly Defined Sales Goals

It is incredible how many times I have started working with new clients, and they refuse to answer my questions about their monthly goals. Maybe they have goals, but they don’t communicate them to their team. All members of your team should know the annual, quarterly, and monthly goals. You should also announce the progress towards achieving these goals, so your team is excited. It is essential that your goals are achievable and that you clearly communicate your strategy for reaching them. Your team will be more likely to support you and your company’s mission if you have a detailed sales strategy.

3. Permanent Sales and Business Training

To develop your team, it is essential to continue training. Sales training should not be limited to sales personnel. Your business needs sales training, as well as training in customer service, problem-solving, and listening skills. Your business’s greatest asset is your employees. Training courses for your employees do not need to be expensive. You could simply find a book that resonates with your personality and give it to your employees.

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No matter if you’re a solopreneur or a business with many employees, a focus on sales will ensure that your business can weather any storms and continue to thrive. To achieve your revenue goals, you must put in the constant effort and have a positive outlook. Make it enjoyable. Selling can be fun. The more fun you have with your team, the better your business will perform.

Joanne offers business development and sales consulting services. Joanne has assembled a team that includes professionals and consultants who are passionate about delivering clear, practical plans that will help clients take their businesses to the next level. Breakthrough Sales System(TM), a system for selling that guarantees business owners new leads, was created by Ms. Hernon. Ms. Hernon, a life member of CEO Space, served as Vice President of the Marin Association of Female Executives from 2006 to 2008. She is a member of the National Association of Women Business Owners. From 2006 to 2008, she served as Vice President of the Marin Association of Female Executives.