7 Tips for Growing a Sales-Driven Organization

7 Tips for Growing a Sales-Driven Organization

Just like “just-in-time inventory” or “six Sigma,” every large or medium-sized business in the west has strived to be a sales-driven organization at some point. It’s just one of a long list of management concepts and buzzwords.
For the most competitive, however, it’s more than that – it’s a way of completely dominating the competition.

What is a sales-driven organization? It’s simple: everyone in the company, from the CEO down to the floor sweeper at night, is committed to bringing in new business. It is the realization that sales should always be the most profitable part of the business and the willingness to help buyers.

As you can see, the most significant benefit of growing a sales-driven organization is getting more sales. In most cases, it’s a lot more. Because when whole teams of people work together, it can magnify the efforts made by frontline producers. Potential clients learn quickly that they are not just hearing from one salesperson every now and then, but the entire organization is happy to have their business. They aren’t usually used to it, so the attention can make them more open to your offer.
These are simple concepts to talk about but difficult to put into practice. These seven tips are for executives and business owners who want to create a sales-driven organization.

Get everyone involved:

No one person can be left behind if you want to create a sales-driven organization. This means that everyone on staff must know that selling is part and parcel of their job, at the very least. It might be pointing customers to an account representative who can help them sell more; it could also mean being able to talk about other products and services. It doesn’t matter what mix you use, as long as everyone on the team is aware of their role and pointed in the right direction.

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Reward sales performance:

You’ll naturally want to encourage salespeople to open accounts. You should also encourage your salespeople to open accounts. Other departments may be more supportive if they feel that they have a stake in the company’s success or failure to meet its targets and quotas.

Set the tone from the top

Selling emphasis should not be placed from the bottom. The priority should be made clear by upper management and, ideally, the CEO to open accounts. If this leadership is not in place, middle managers and lower-level staff will view the move to build a sales-driven organization as a joke and won’t take part.

Customer service is vital:

If customers leave a few months or weeks later, it doesn’t make sense to bring in a lot of new accounts. It makes sense to retain the customers you already have since most of the profits come from the first customer purchase. Customer service is the best way to prevent a vast sales effort from turning into a waste of time.

The sales team should remain at the forefront of the organization but not too far ahead.

Salespeople, especially those who are good, can be pretty arrogant. They can be challenging to manage if they are in a sales-oriented company. While the top producers are confident and competitive, if they allow themselves to run over the other employees, you will have a situation in which the non-sales staff is annoyed by the men and women who bring in the commission checks. This is a bad situation for everyone involved. So make sure you keep an eye on your sales team. Make sure they are confident and happy with themselves, but not to the extent that they alienate other employees.

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Get feedback:

Selling between two people or within an entire company shouldn’t be a one-way process. Encourage employees to record what customers and clients tell them. Sometimes, tiny bits of feedback can lead you to significant insights. You might not be selling the products your customers are looking for. One of the most important benefits of a sales-driven organization is being able to quickly identify and respond to customer needs.

Keep at it.

Although it is a noble goal to have a sales-driven organization, many businesses struggle to keep their focus. It may take several months or even years for your new focus and become a habit. It is not easy to make organizational changes, and the results are rarely immediate. If you are able to keep your cool, you will soon find a company poised for success.

Carl-Henry is a management consulting expert. He is a management consultant who specializes in helping companies select top sales and customer service talent. Carl is also a Certified Speaking Professional, the author of numerous books and articles on sales, customer service, and sales management. He hosts webinars and seminars for clients around the world.